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Mystery Spool - PETG 1.75mm

Mystery Spool - PETG 1.75mm

Regular price $17.99
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Classic Black PETG - 1kg 1.75mm Regulation Gray PETG - 1kg 1.75mm Polar White PETG - 1kg 1.75mm Natural (Clear) PETG - 1kg 1.75mm Candy Red PETG - 1kg 1.75mm Vivid Orange PETG - 1kg 1.75mm Sunshine Yellow PETG - 1kg 1.75mm Royal Blue PETG - 1kg 1.75mm Purplex PETG - 1kg 1.75mm Mystery Spool - PETG 1.75mm Discord Only - Reject Spool - Bubbly/Sparkly PETG Discord Only - Reject Spool - Random Color PETG (Oranges+Blues) Discord Only - Reject Spool - Brown PETG

Mystery, or transition spools are a result of changing color during production, which produces a few spools of colors that are partially between each color.  These spools still meet our tolerance and weight requirements.

The color of these spools varies from batch to batch.

Some spools have dramatic color changes while others may be just slightly off-color from production batches.

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